Privacy Policy

The creation of JamComments was largely motivated by a dissatisfaction in how alternative website comment services treat user data. As such, we have no desire to collect or use any of your data beyond what's absolutely necessary. Here's what we do collect:

Collected Information

We only collect any data explicitly given to us.

As a Subscriber

  • Your website's information, including domain and any additional name you choose to give it within JamComment's dashboard.
  • Authentication data, such as your email address and a Bcrypt-hashed version of your password. The authentication flow is entirely managed by Laravel.
  • Any application-specific settings and options necessary for the function of the application, and which are not personally identifiable.

As a Commenter

  • Optionally, your email address for each comment you submit.
  • Any text content you choose to submit via a comment form on a website that has installed and activated a JamComments plugin.

Information Used By JamComments, But Serviced Elsewhere

In order to keep your information as secure as possible, third-party services are used to handle data where it most directly applies. These services include:

  • Stripe, for subscription management

Contact Us

For more information about what you read here, or any other questions, please email [email protected].