Eleventy Integration

The official plugin for integrating JamComments into your Eleventy site.


In order to use this plugin, you'll need to do the following:


Run npm install @jam-comments/eleventy.


In your .eleventy.js file, require the plugin and initialize it with your site's domain and API key.

const jamComments = require('@jam-comments/eleventy');

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(jamComments, {
    domain: process.env.JAM_COMMENTS_DOMAIN,
    apiKey: process.env.JAM_COMMENTS_API_KEY,
    tz: "America/Chicago" // Optional.

Environment Configuration

In non-production mode, this plugin will render a list of dummy comments on your pages, making it easier to adjust styles before deploying to production. Additionally, any new comments will be silently submitted.

In order to remove these dummy comments and allow submissions to go through, either the NODE_ENV or JAM_COMMENTS_ENVIRONMENT environment variables must be set to production.

Displaying Comments

Embed the jamcomments Nunjucks shortcode in the template that renders individual posts or pages. Note that explicitly passing the path.url is optional. If it's not provided, it'll use the current path as indicated by Eleventy on build.

<h1>My Page Title</h1>

<p>Here's some page content.</p>

<!-- Form and comments will render here! -->
{% jamcomments path.url %}

Supported Rendering Engines

  • *.njk
  • *.liquid


The source for this plugin is open to contributions. If you have a bug fix or idea for improvement, leave a pull request or issue in the GitHub repository.